

Dear Artur,
        You can use SPM to do this:
                                                                       a. Click "Coregister"
                                                                       b. Click "New "Coreg: Reslice""
                                                                       c. "Image Defining Space": choose one of your functional image. e.g. your normalized functional image or image after Detrend and Filter.
                                                                       d. "Images to Reslice": choose the mask file or ROI definition file. e.g. BrainMask_05_61x73x61.img
                                                                       e. "Reslice Options" -> "Interpolation": choose "Nearest neighbour"
                                                                       f. Just click "Run". Then you will get the resmapled mask or ROI file with a surfix of "r".
         For an alternative way, you can use REST. REST->Utilities->Reslice Images. This is useful if you have lots of group files need to be resliced.
         Best wishes!
                                               Yours Sincerely,
                                                YAN Chao-Gan

On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 11:19 PM, Artur <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi all,

I used the WFU Atlas to create e mask covering my ROIs. However, I noticed that the mask has different voxel dimensions than the images I'd like to use it for. Is there any way  to change the voxel size of the mask? Or, is it possible to alter the atlas code so that it writes the mask in desired way?

Any suggestions will be much appreciated.



YAN Chao-Gan, Ph.D. Candidate
State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning
Beijing Normal University
Beijing, China, 100875
Phone: +86-10-58801023
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