

Obrigado! thanks you a lot! Makolokoto! Kanimambo! assante sana. Takhuta! Merci beaucoup!
All these words just have the same meaning "THANK AND CONGRATULATION".
Vicente Halle

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 10:51 AM, Alan Rayner (BU) <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear Joan,
Thank you very much! And this has now been followed up in being a featured 'Best Thinker' for today.
As I mentioned to Jack recently, I think that natural inclusionality is both systemic and evolutionary, as described in my ALARA keynote. It is very much a logic and philosophy of the everyday, which takes all aspects of life into consideration, not just what some might prefer to focus on. I honestly think that 'natural inclusionality' IS the philosophy that action research has been reaching for, and that when this is understood it will have found its place in the world - both intellectually and feelingly.
Jack responded by saying:
"I agree - I think it provides the living logic that is needed to develop what Schon called for as a new epistemology for the new scholarship. He died before he could develop it. You might have already seen this:

Schon, D. (1995) The New Scholarship Requires a New Epistemology. Change, Nov./Dec. 1995 27 (6) pp. 27-34.

What I want to do is to see if I can introduce your point above in a way that captivates the imaginations of the participants and sustains its spreading influence in the lead up to the world congress and beyond. I know the apparently slow spread of the ideas is frustrating, but I do think that enormous opportunities are opening up that will enable the changes in understandings to be irreversible."
----- Original Message -----
From: [log in to unmask]" href="mailto:[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">Joan Lucy Conolly
To: [log in to unmask]" href="mailto:[log in to unmask]" target="_blank">[log in to unmask]
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 2:24 AM
Subject: Re: Natural Inclusionality at Best Thinking

Dear Alan


It is good news for us all when notions of natural inclusionality are regarded as best thinking. One can only hope that this will encourage more and more people to actually live their daily lives, conduct their relationships with each other, and communicate with each other informed by this understandings of things.


And Congratulations! to you and Jack on your paper being published on the best thinking site.




From: Practitioner-Researcher [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Alan Rayner (BU)
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 8:47 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Natural Inclusionality at Best Thinking


Dear All,


FYPI, "Natural Inclusionality," has been selected as a Featured Topic for the Science section of 'BestThinking'.




You can also find my paper with Jack on 'From dialectics to inclusionality', and a lyrical piece on 'Natural Co-creation' published on the 'Best Thinking' site.





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