

  just noticed in their e-newsletter.

"The way [Les Murray] can register, in words nobody else would quite choose, a 
perception nobody else could quite have, is at the centre of his art, ensuring 
almost infallibly that a poem will work like a lucky charm for as long as he 
pours in the images ... Murray sees the things of this world mis à nu, like 
Baudelaire's heart. The charm is infinite because the universe goes on forever, 
and he would have something unique to say about every bit of it if he could go 
on sailing long enough through its eternity of transparencies."

In "Nobel Calling", Clive James meditates upon the subtlety and resonance of the 
poetry of Les Murray as he reviews his new collection, Taller When Prone. James 
suggests that Murray's ability to grab and enthral us with a combination of 
immediacy and dynamism - his ability to traverse the places and themes of the 
world in an essentially universal language - should have paved the way to 
Stockholm for him.

 Oh I might do better to follow up the below...-

Muhammad Yunus: The Grameen Bank and abolishing poverty

Professor Muhammad Yunus established the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh in 1983, 
fuelled by the belief that credit is a fundamental human right. Beginning by 
loaning $27 to a group of impoverished women in Bangladesh, Yunus went on to set 
up the Grameen Bank, thereby lifting millions out of poverty by disbursing $6.6 
billion in loans to the poor. This simple idea has grown into an international 
movement. Replicas of the Grameen Bank model operate in more than 100 countries 
worldwide. In 2006 Professor Yunus and the Grameen Bank were awarded the Nobel 
Peace Prize. 

In this Melbourne Conversations event, Yunus talks about the conception and 
growth of the bank and posits that we can put an end to poverty within this 
generation by channelling the market forces of capitalism.

Visit SlowTV to view a wide range of intelligent talks online.

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