

My particular definition of poetry is that it is the use of language to rampantly connote. This may not be the classroom definition but it does allow us to separate prose from poetry—not all prose is rampantly connotative. 

According to Wikipedia it is: "language used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in instead of, its apparent meaning". I can go with that definition, also.

Original Message:

Ah, well.

We can define 'verse' & ''prose' easily enough, it's that term  
'poetry' that gives us trouble. Finnegans Wake, eg, for just one  

I realize that we do define (I know I do: why just last night I  
decided that one of the performers at the final blast at the Edmonton  
Poetry festival was a fine storyteller/entertainer but for me what he  
did was no 'poetry'; but a lot of people in the audience probably  
didnt see it that way.....