Stick to your guns.... it's now a management decision, and if they have any sense, they will talk to the physio.

These Med 3s say "I have advised you that  ... you may be fit for work taking account of the following advice .... If available and with your employer's agreement, you may benefit from... " so they are advisory, not binding.

Of course management may feel that the easy way out would be to say that it's not available and then he'll go off sick.

I don't like these Med 3s, because of this "wooliness" - staff may wish to use them as a way of getting out of work, and the form makes it easier for staff to abuse the system, if the staff so wish.



On 14 April 2010 12:35, Andy Heslop <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi Sharon,

I would have done the same as you. You know the workplace and have sought the advice of the physio. As you know, the Fit Note is advisory.

I've had a couple already where we've investigated the GP's advice re: adjustments and haven't been able to accommodate. The employees have had to remain off sick as a result.



  From: "Naylor, Sharon [HMPS]" [[log in to unmask]]
  Sent: 14/04/2010 12:27 CET
  To: [log in to unmask]
  Subject: [OCC-HEALTH]

Interesting conundrem and I anticipate the first of many

Individual came to me the other day saying that he wanted to go on "light duties" because his shoulder hurt - he had been to the physio in the morning. I spoke to physio - low grade acromioclavicular irritation with no ligament instability - no need to restrict duties. Told him this - went off duty in a huff, didnt turn up the next day (AWOL) Turned up today with a "fit" note from his GP stating that he should do "light duties " for 2 weeks.

I am sticking to my guns and told management that my opinion stands - they are now in a twitch because of the "fit" note. I wonder which way they will go on this one?

Sharon Naylor
HMPS Occupational Health Advisor
*Please note new number at Lartin*
Long Lartin 01386 295310 (Monday, Tuesday and Friday)

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