Interesting conundrem and I anticipate the first of many

Individual came to me the other day saying that he wanted to go on "light duties" because his shoulder hurt - he had been to the physio in the morning. I spoke to physio - low grade acromioclavicular irritation with no ligament instability - no need to restrict duties. Told him this - went off duty in a huff, didnt turn up the next day (AWOL) Turned up today with a "fit" note from his GP stating that he should do "light duties " for 2 weeks.

I am sticking to my guns and told management that my opinion stands - they are now in a twitch because of the "fit" note. I wonder which way they will go on this one?

Sharon Naylor
HMPS Occupational Health Advisor
*Please note new number at Lartin*
Long Lartin 01386 295310 (Monday, Tuesday and Friday)
Birmingham 0121 345 2606 (Wednesday and Thursday)

"Those that do not find some time every day for health must sacrifice a lot of time one day for illness"  Sebastian Knieff

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