

has a good explanation and flow chart - I think!

1 if they need weekly boxes the pharmacy has to provide it irrespective of script durations

 2 the only reason for GPs to issue weekly scripts is if medication requirements may change at short intervals ( the pharmacist can issue for any period - 1.2.3 or 4 weeks - as advised by the precriber but needs to check no change in requirements before dispensing - for example if issuing fortnightly but given scripts monthly)



-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Hawking <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 16:16
Subject: Re: Weekly dispensing

In message <[log in to unmask]>, Geoff Schrecker <[log in to unmask]> writes 
>Resurrecting an old thread: 
>This question has come up again and our PCT have said they can see 
>nothing potentially fraudulent in a pharmacy requesting 4 x one week 
>post dated prescriptions for weekly nomad boxes. Can anyone point me 
>to chapter and verse on this? 
It was in the new Pharmacy Contract which came in on 1st April 2007 (I think). 
The pharmacist makes a visit and decides whether the patient needs a dosette box, and if so whether they self-administer at least one dose a day to themselves i.e. without carer supervision. 
The cost of this is included within the Pharmacy Contract. 
1. if there are professional carers administering medication, they are supposed to be trained to take single tablets out of the original box: some care agencies have not caught up with this requirement. 
2. Professional Carers are not allowed to administer medication which has been placed in a dossette box by relations: any such device has to be packed by pharmacist. 
3. many pharmacists have not heard of their new contract yet (bit like hospital doctors and Med 3s. 
The fraud element would arise if the pharmacist was demanding weekly scripts to cover the cost of the dossette box or Nomad *and* charging the NHS for the service as well. 
>Cheers Geoff 
>On 24 December 2007 22:48, Adrian Midgley <[log in to unmask]> wrote: 
>> Hash: SHA1 
>> Geoff Schrecker wrote: 
>>>> Geoff Schrecker wrote: 
>>>>> Our local pharmacists insist on weekly prescriptions, I'm not 
>>>>> sure how dispensing fees etc work. I did raise the issue of 
>>>>> practices using repeat dispensing for this, seems ideal to me, 
>>>>> but our PCT are a bit resistant and since our clinical system 
>>>>> doesn't support it anyway I haven't pushed it (yet). 
>> Your local PCT are conspiring in a fraud, involving you in extra work, 
>> as well, and resisting you using the system specifically designed for 
>> the purpose to make your common activities less expensive in time and 
>> effort? 
>> I might hesitate to take their advice on things. 
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-- Mary Hawking