


for non-custom angulated recordings they may differ - if xyz is used for reference (for PRS it won't matter).

Von: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library [[log in to unmask]] im Auftrag von Martin Kavec [[log in to unmask]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 9. April 2010 23:34
An: [log in to unmask]
Betreff: Re: [FSL] AW: [FSL] which bvecs to trust?

Excellent job, Martin and thanks for posting your experience. I am not sure if
I didn't pick it in your message (it's close to midnight), but how do the
bvecs from the two programs compare to the Siemens datasheet?

A word of causion, you might want to do the same exercise with a custom
diffusion gradient table. Philips for instance, which I work with, is rotating
my custom gradient table differently than the built in one.



On Friday 09 April 2010 22:42:50 you wrote:
> Hello all,
> sorry, it took me a while to get some spare time on our TRIO. Here's what I
> did: I scanned a person using the standard Siemens
> MDDW-20direction-DTI-sequence with 19 slices (5 mm) and set the angulation
> to 0° (transverse). Images had been saved in mosaic format. As the
> sequence uses four averages, the dataset results in 84 (4*(B0 + 20
> vectors)) mosaic images. The images are saved in the following order: B0,
> vector 1, vector 2, ..., vecotr 20, B0, vector 1, vector 2, ..., vector
> 20. Then, I used dcm2nii and MRIconvert on a PC AND a MAC and compared the
> bvec files with the vector datasheet provided by Siemens.
> MOST IMPORTANT: Both programs give you almost the exact vectors. dcm2nii
> seems to smooth a little more than MRIconvert.
> I did notice one thing: MRIconvert sorts the data differently to the
> original one and the dcm2nii results. MRIconvert sorts it in: B0, B0, B0,
> B0, vector 1, vector 1, ..., vector 20, vector 20, vector 20, vector 20.
> But it uses this sorting ordern in all three files: bvec, bval and the
> 4D.nii-file. So in my point of view that does not seem to be a problem
> (can someonce with a lot more knowledge comment on that?).
> I don't have the bvec-files with me right now, but if interesten I could
> also post the files (might be easier than reading the text).
> Have a good weekend,
> Martin