

flirt -in $frame$slice -ref $frame"1"$slice  -out $frame"_xenc"$slice 
-omat $tempmat -2D


0.989301  -0.145891  0  3.07181
0.145891  0.9893  0  -5.26495
0  0  1  6.10647e-07
0  0  0  1

When running a slice by slice flirt -2D registration, the output mat 
sometimes (seems randomly) contains a small z translation (e.g. 
6.10647e-07, see above). The output $frame"_xenc"$slice is fine though.

This z translation causes trouble when one tries to concatenate 
transformations later on. I currently use the following line to reset 
the z-trans value back to 0.

awk 'NR==3 {$4=0}1' $tempmat > $mat

I don't think it's of a high priority to be investigated or fixed, but 
thought it's good to point it out for people going down the same route.
