

-----Original Message-----
From: eunjung kim [mailto:[log in to unmask]] 
Sent: 29 April 2010 17:00
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Information request: sexual services for disabled people in Europe

Dear all,

I am forwarding a request for help from a disabled women's
organization (WDE) in Seoul, Korea.

A group of disabled/nondisabled South Korean women are planning to
visit Germany in June to find out about sexual services available for
disabled people and learn about the practices and diverse
perspectives. They are hoping to visit a few other countries in Europe
to have a chance to discuss the practices, experiences, policy
implications, and political concerns for sexual rights. Sexual
services can include "prostitution" sites tailored for disabled
customers, sexual surrogacy, facilitated sex, or other kinds of sexual
services. They are specifically looking for
places/organizations/agencies they can visit instead of general
information about what is available.

If you have any information and contacts for this international
exchange, please contact Jisung Hwang at [log in to unmask] Any
help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,
Eunjung Kim

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