

So would the book being an EU project only include EU stories or invite
global contributions - NZ could contribute.

On 29/04/10 5:23 AM, "Julie Benyo" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Duncan,
> A booklet on cafes around the world is a great idea!  Since Ben Wiehe left
> WGBH in October, wešve been limping along while we look for a replacement, but
> wešve got someone whošs starting on Monday next week!  Our
> web site is still going strong, and we continue to offer mini-grants to new
> groups that are starting-up a café series.  And wešve got lead articles in 2
> putlications, Exemplayr Science in Informal Education Settings (published by
> the National Science Teachers Association) and Surrounded by Science
> (published by the National Academies Press).  Wešd like to contribute some of
> our experiences to your collection.  Whatšs the best way to go about this?
> -- Julie