

I consider it would be a fine thing, a truly experimental and innovative
thing, if there were a moratorium on the publication of new poetry for,
say, five years. Or even just twelve months for a test run. By publication I
mean anything in print, the internet OR read in public. The question of
private circulation would require some careful deliberation and refinement
of definition: there are always going to be those who have compulsions to
share their latest with either their cat, house-plants or mother. Although
this would probably have to be a voluntary arrangement it would be exciting
if official support could be won and transgression of the discipline of
silence could incur a suitable sanction, such as enforced indexing of
European Community Food Policy laws or public dismemberment joint by joint
in an art exhibition (while maintained alive for the longest possible period
to endure the even more excruciating pain of the other exhibits).
The benefits of this temporary trappism of poetry would be immense: all
those counterfeit versifiers who exist solely to torture their audiences
through the amplification system of egotism would evanesce and vanish quite,
absolutely and utterly,  imagine the global defaltion of wind-bags that
would ensue, we could probably the energy needs of the Third World with the
hot air saved, while, as there would be no strictures against
re-publication,  we would have ample opportunity to assemble retrospectives
and collected works, reputations could be thoughtfully and fastidiously
examined, perhaps people would begin to remember how to read, other than if
scanning a newspaper, and most of all there would be restoration of poets to
what should be their true proving ground: the blank solitude of the page.

David Bircumshaw
"A window./Big enough to hold screams/
You say are poems" - DMeltzer
Website and A Chide's Alphabet
The Animal Subsides