Dear SPM Experts,
Currently, I try to make a study-specific template and the corresponding GM/WM/CSF priors using VBM5 and TOM program developed by Dr Marko Wilke. I first segment and spatially normalize 3D T1W imaging for each subject using VBM5 toolbox. After that, Using the segmented and normalized GM/WM/CSF images, I estimate and create templates using TOM toolbox. As you can see in the attached file, GM and WM templates look fine, but CSF template has problem. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
Thank you in advance.

Geon-Ho Jahng,Ph.D.
Department of Radiology
East-West Neo Medical Center
School of Medicine, Kyung-Hee University
149 Sangil-dong, Gangdong-gu,
Seoul 134-727 South Korea
TEL: 82-2-440-6187
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