

Dear Anna,

In your continuous file you have 60 events with value below 61 and
these are the ones that seem to be meaningful. In addition you have 5
events with value 207 and 17 events with value 239. These events occur
at the beginning of the file less than 300 samples from the start and
since you define the onset of the trial to be 300 samples before a
trigger, trials cannot be generated based on these events and they are
ignored. In your script there was a line to ignore these events, but
it was commented out.



On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Anna Jafarpour <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi  :)
> I have problem with epoching EEG data. In the converted data I can easily
> see that there are about 80 trial events in a run, but when I epoch the
> data, there are only about 60-70 epoched trials. I don't understand how that
> can be possible. What should I do to have all the trials epoched?
> I also want to know if I can change the onset of the stimuli in the
> structured data. In the data, the trigger comes 200ms before the stimuli and
> I need to fix this.
> Best regards,
> Anna