function [U] = spm_get_ons(SPM,s) % returns input [designed effects] structures % FORMAT [U] = spm_get_ons(SPM,s) % % s - session number (used by batch system) % % U - (1 x n) struct array of (n) trial-specific structures % % U(i).name - cell of names for each input or cause % U(i).u - inputs or stimulus function matrix % U(i).dt - time bin (seconds) % U(i).ons - onsets (in SPM.xBF.UNITS) % U(i).dur - durations (in SPM.xBF.UNITS) % U(i).P - parameter struct. % % U(i).P(p).name - parameter name % U(i).P(p).P - parameter vector % U(i).P(p).h - order of polynomial expansion % U(i).P(p).i - sub-indices of u pertaining to P %_______________________________________________________________________ % % % SLICE TIMIING % % With longs TRs you may want to shift the regressors so that they are % aligned to a particular slice. This is effected by resetting the % values of defaults.stats.fmri.t and defaults.stats.fmri.t0 in % spm_defaults. defaults.stats.fmri.t is the number of time-bins per % scan used when building regressors. Onsets are defined % in temporal units of scans starting at 0. defaults.stats.fmri.t0 is % the first time-bin at which the regressors are resampled to coincide % with data acquisition. If defaults.stats.fmri.t0 = 1 then the % regressors will be appropriate for the first slice. If you want to % temporally realign the regressors so that they match responses in the % middle slice then make defaults.stats.fmri.t0 = % defaults.stats.fmri.t/2 (assuming there is a negligible gap between % volume acquisitions. Default values are defaults.stats.fmri.t = 16 % and defaults.stats.fmri.t0 = 1. % % %_______________________________________________________________________ % @(#)spm_get_ons.m 2.42 Karl Friston 03/11/12 %-GUI setup %----------------------------------------------------------------------- spm_help('!ContextHelp',mfilename) % time units %----------------------------------------------------------------------- k = SPM.nscan(s); T = SPM.xBF.T; dt = SPM.xBF.dt; try UNITS = SPM.xBF.UNITS; catch UNITS = 'scans'; end switch UNITS case 'scans' %---------------------------------------------------------------- TR = T*dt; case 'secs' %---------------------------------------------------------------- TR = 1; end % get inputs and names (try SPM.Sess(s).U first) %======================================================================= try U = SPM.Sess(s).U; v = length(U); catch %-prompt string %--------------------------------------------------------------- str = sprintf('Session %d: trial specification in %s',s,UNITS); spm_input(str,1,'d') U = {}; v = spm_input('number of conditions/trials',2,'w1'); end % get trials %----------------------------------------------------------------------- for i = 1:v % get names %--------------------------------------------------------------- try Uname = U(i).name(1); catch str = sprintf('name for condition/trial %d ?',i); Uname = {spm_input(str,3,'s',sprintf('trial %d',i))}; U(i).name = Uname; end % get main [trial] effects %================================================================ % onsets %--------------------------------------------------------------- try ons = U(i).ons; ons = ons(:); catch ons = []; end if ~length(ons) str = ['vector of onsets - ' Uname{1}]; ons = spm_input(str,4,'r',' ',[Inf 1]); U(i).ons = ons(:); end % durations %--------------------------------------------------------------- try dur = U(i).dur; dur = dur(:); catch dur = []; end if ~length(dur) str = 'duration[s] (events = 0)'; while 1 dur = spm_input(str,5,'r',' ',[Inf 1]); if length(dur) == 1 dur = dur*ones(size(ons)); end if length(dur) == length(ons), break, end str = sprintf('enter a scalar or [%d] vector',... length(ons)); end U(i).dur = dur; end % peri-stimulus times {seconds} %--------------------------------------------------------------- pst = [1:k]*T*dt - ons(1)*TR; for j = 1:length(ons) w = [1:k]*T*dt - ons(j)*TR; v = find(w >= -1); pst(v) = w(v); end % add parameters x trial interactions %================================================================ % get parameter stucture xP %---------------------------------------------------------------- try xP = U(i).P; Pname = xP(1).name; switch Pname case 'none' %------------------------------------------------ = 'none'; xP.h = 0; end catch Pname = {'none','time','other'}; Pname = spm_input('parametric modulation',6,'b',Pname); switch Pname case 'none' %-------------------------------------------------------- xP(1).name = 'none'; xP(1).h = 0; case 'time' %-------------------------------------------------------- xP(1).name = 'time'; xP(1).P = ons*TR; xP(1).h = spm_input('polynomial order',8,'n1',1); case 'other' %-------------------------------------------------------- str = ['# parameters (' Uname{1} ')']; for q = 1:spm_input(str,7,'n1',1); % get names and parametric variates %------------------------------------------------ str = sprintf('parameter %d name',q); Pname = spm_input(str,7,'s'); P = spm_input(Pname,7,'r',[],[length(ons),1]); % order of polynomial expansion h %------------------------------------------------ h = spm_input('polynomial order',8,'n1',1); % sub-indices and inputs %------------------------------------------------ xP(q).name = Pname; xP(q).P = P(:); xP(q).h = h; end end % switch end % try % interaction with causes (u) - 1st = main effects %---------------------------------------------------------------- u = ons.^0; for q = 1:length(xP) xP(q).i = [1, ([1:xP(q).h] + size(u,2))]; for j = 1:xP(q).h P = spm_en(xP(q).P); u = [u P.^j]; str = sprintf('%sx%s^%d',Uname{1},xP(q).name,j); Uname{end + 1} = str; end end % orthogonalize inputs %--------------------------------------------------------------- u = spm_orth(u); % and scale so sum(u*dt) = number of events, if event-related %--------------------------------------------------------------- if ~any(dur) u = u/dt; end % create stimulus functions (32 bin offset) %=============================================================== ton = round(ons*TR/dt) + 32; % onsets tof = round(dur*TR/dt) + ton + 1; % offset sf = sparse((k*T + 128),size(u,2)); for j = 1:length(ton) sf(ton(j),:) = sf(ton(j),:) + u(j,:); sf(tof(j),:) = sf(tof(j),:) - u(j,:); end sf = cumsum(sf); % integrate sf = sf(1:(k*T + 32),:); % stimulus % place in ouputs structure %--------------------------------------------------------------- U(i).name = Uname; % - input names U(i).dt = dt; % - time bin {seconds} U(i).u = sf; % - stimulus function matrix U(i).pst = pst; % - pst (seconds) U(i).P = xP; % - parameter struct end % (v)