

Dear SPMers,

I am studying a group of 9 patients and 7 controls. Of the 9 patients, 5
have had bilateral optic neuritis (5 R & 5 L), 4 patients have had
unilateral optic neuritis.(2R and 2L); I want to compare the activation
in this group with controls. The 5 patients with bilateral optic
neuritis, the R eye and L eye contrasts are dependant as they are from
the same patient, as are the 7 controls. How do I include the 4 patients
who have had unilateral involvement, as their affected eyes (2R and 2L)
are independent as they are from different patients, in the same model?
I do not want to include the 4 unaffected eyes in the patient group.

In full factorial, I am allowed to specify the variables as either
dependant or independent for each factor. For eg: If factor 1 is
subjects, with Patients v Controls (independent) and Factor 2 is eyes,
Left v Right, independent for the unilateral involvement and dependent
for the bilateral involvement and controls. But I am not able to
separately specify the independence for the subgroups. Please can anyone
help me get around this problem without having to leave out the
unilateral affected eyes, just to fit in the model?
Many thanks

Madhan Kolappan