Congratulations Jack - its great to know that the involvement is broadening....

-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Whitehead <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Mon, 1 Mar 2010 9:27
Subject: Education and Learning Virtual Networking Stream for ALARA's 8th World Congress

Susan Goff, the President of ALARA (Action Learning Action Research 
Association), and 
Jacques Bolet, the Vice-President - International of ALARA, have written to say 

"Following our letter of invitation dated 8th February, and our subsequent 
discussions with 
you, we are writing to formally confirm your role as Education and Learning 
Coordinating Chair for ALARA’s Eighth World Congress, taking place in Melbourne, 

Australia, September 6-9, 2010.

We are delighted that you have agreed to take on this significant role in 
facilitating a 
global dialogue to explore the foundations, current applications and future 
of Action Research and Action Learning in the field of Education across all life 
stages and 
sectors, on a world stage."

I'm starting the dialogue today, the 1st March 2010, with this posting of a new 
thread on 
'Education and Learning Virtual Networking Stream for ALARA's 8th World 
Congress'. You 
can see the details in the What's New section of .

What I'm hoping is that you will all help me in the facilitation of this global 
dialogue as we 
share our accounts of our educational learning from our local contexts. To start 
process I'm hoping that you will encourage as many people as you can to join our 

conversation and share our accounts. If everyone will access the details of the 
Congress in the What's New section of and send 
this url to 
friends, colleagues and students, urging them to participate, this would be a 
great first 
step. Swaroop - it would be good if you could send such a note to your contacts 
in India, 
Jekan in Japan, Moira in China, Pip in New Zealand, Joan in South Africa, 
Jacqueline in 
Canada, Branko in Croatia, Margaret in the Republic of Ireland, Anat in Israel, 
Jean in 
Qatar, Geisha in South America and Samih and others in the Middle East together 
researchers in any other countries you have connections with.

Love Jack.