

UC Press demanded that I get pewrmission from poets to quote their 
answers to emails about my translations. I already had their 
permission for everything else. I stalled, and finally said, "you're 
kidding, right?" To which they responded, "do you really really 
promise there won't be trouble?" Oy.

At 10:47 AM 3/5/2010, you wrote:
>I did, David.
>On a somewhat related note, at her reading at the university last
>week, Karen Connolly read from a non-fiction work about Burma, & a
>love affair there among other things; after which one of my still
>teaching colleagues mentioned that he was now being asked to carry a
>release form whenever he might 'use' someone else's speech (even, say,
>overhearing people talking at the next table in a restaurant: you can
>imagine). He gave us the term: 'ethics creep,' which can be read so
>many ways. Made me glad I was outside that institution now: whither
>On 5-Mar-10, at 5:02 AM, David Bircumshaw wrote:
>>If interested please go to and sign the PEN
>>petition for a reform of the English libel laws, to prevent foreign
>>litigants using British courts to suppress books and articles to
>>which they
>>David Bircumshaw
>>"A window./Big enough to hold screams/
>>You say are poems" - DMeltzer
>>Website and A Chide's Alphabet
>>The Animal Subsides
>Douglas Barbour
>[log in to unmask]
>Latest books:
>Continuations (with Sheila E Murphy)
>It is ink
>on paper love
>         Frank O'Hara

Announcing The Whole Island: Six Decades of Cuban Poetry (University 
of California Press).

"Not since the 1982 publication of Paul Auster's Random House Book of 
Twentieth Century French Poetry has a bilingual anthology so 
effectively broadened the sense of poetic terrain outside the United 
States and also created a superb collection of foreign poems in 
English. There is nothing else like it."   John Palattella in The 