

Have You Ever Seen a Molecule? Arts, Science and Visual Communication.
25-26 March 2010
CRASSH, Cambridge

This interdisciplinary conference concentrates on the correlation 
between science and art/design, and the impact of the arts and artistic 
practices on scientific culture. The scientific focus of the conference 
is molecular biology, in particular structural biology. As any other 
micro- and nano-scale science, this research is inherently dependent 
upon visualising objects and data in the production and communication of 
scientific knowledge. Visualisation is thus an integral part of the 
understanding and evolution of new scientific concepts and boundaries.

For further information, a conference programme and registration details 
please visit the conference website here:

Samuel Mather
Development and Publicity Assistant
The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH)
17 Mill Lane
Cambridge  CB2 1RX

Tel: 01223 (7)66838
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