

Hi Paula,
One emphasis I think can help is to be customer-oriented.
But who is the customer?
If you don't consider the people who you want to deposit the customers, then
they will always cause you trouble - they will see it as an imposition, not
a service.
So you might ask some questions about the service.
Does your system look after the customer's content they way they want?
Can they get it back out easily into other forms?
(If not, it is just an extra burden.)
Does the system give html of the publication list so it can be included into
a home page? And are there easy instructions how to do this?
Does it deliver bibtex? Endnote?
Does it identify a particular user's entries (and only those entries)

Fundamentally, if you offer a service that will look after my stuff in a
useful way, and so I don't need to keep it elsewhere at all, then I will
commit to putting all my stuff in it as a convenience to me.
And you get the stuff you want.

Hope that helps.
Good luck!

On 18/03/2010 09:09, "Paula Fitzpatrick" <[log in to unmask]>

> Dear all,
> Apologies in advance for lengthy e-mail - looking for a few words of advice &
> wisdom to throw this way.
> I am the repository officer here at Newcastle University. We have an in-house
> built research management system recently launched and a open access research
> repository (also written in-house, not a proprietary piece of software).
> We have an automatic feed of bibliographically checked records from the
> research management system to our repository, thus our numbers of bib records
> are ticking up nicely, and I recognise the value of this in itself - lots of
> data for people to reach the item should them wish to. However, the numbers of
> full text records are low - around 10% of our total.
> I know this is a problem across the repository community, but I wonder if it
> is something others are struggling with & considering right now.
> I think perhaps the stage we are it is looking for a 'strong encouraging
> statement' from University  management.
> I'm not sure how much support for a mandate there would be (or even the
> appetite for it within the library) but at the same time, the numbers
> depositing are low - it almost seems self-fulfilling.
> Having brought my concerns up within the library and the people responsible
> for the research management system, I am tasked with writing a paper for the
> University Research Committee. It sounds like I am asking you to do my work
> here, but I just wanted to get a feel for how you persuaded your wider
> University to get behind this - if you have done -  (aside from the usual
> wider access, increased impact, REF etc). Maybe there isn't anything & its
> just a long hard slog - which would be reassuring in its own way!
> Apologies for such a long e-mail, and I do appreciate your time.
> Many thanks
> Paula
> ********************************
> Paula Fitzpatrick
> E-Repository Officer
> Robinson Library
> University of Newcastle upon Tyne
> [log in to unmask]
> 0191 222 7627
> ********************************
> ********************************
> Paula Fitzpatrick
> E-Repository Officer
> Robinson Library
> University of Newcastle upon Tyne
> [log in to unmask]
> 0191 222 7627
> ********************************