


I have created an atlas-based mask on my group-level contrast image in
standard space (rendered_thresh_zstat1.nii.gz).  I would like to apply this
mask to each of my subjects to query average activation over the timecourse
in this mask for the purpose of doing a PPI.  Below are the steps I have
pieced together from the FAQs, support forum, etc., using more of my own
guessing/inference than makes me comfortable.  Please let me know if this
will work, or how I've gone wrong and what I should do instead(explicit
examples appreciated).  Thanks very much for your help.


To get the transformation matrix:

flirt -in individual_subject_mean_func -ref group_bg_image -omat

To invert the transformation matrix:

convert_xfm -omat func2standard.mat -inverse standard2func.mat 

To apply the transformation matrix to the standard space mask:

flirt -in standard_space_mask -ref individual_subject_mean_func -applyxfm
-init func2standard.mat -datatype float -out functional_space_mask

To threshold and binarize the mask:

fslmaths functional_space_mask -thr 0.5 -bin

To query average activation in the mask for a single subject:

fslmeants -i filtered_func –m functional_space_mask –o