


OpenMP isn't free. You can't simply recompile and have your code parallelised. You would need to recode the sources to manually add the parallel instructions. This is a very difficult process requiring intimate knowledge of the program sources and how to make them multi-thread safe.

When we originally looked at parallel support we quickly realised that our programming team (mostly PhD students working on their thesis projects) would never have the time or inclinatin to acquire the skill set to do this. Fortunately one can run multiple instances of much of our code on subsets of the data so we chose to take the pragmatic approach of parallelising by scripting independent sub jobs. We achieve this by running the program via a queing systen such as SGE.

Sadly though, flirt simply doesn't fit into this model, sorry.

Hope that helps,

------Original Message------
From: Julio Duarte
Sender: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library
To: [log in to unmask]
ReplyTo: FSL - FMRIB's Software Library
Subject: [FSL] OpenMP
Sent: 22 Mar 2010 16:21


I'd like to use OpenMP to speed up some code in FSL. What changes should I
made to compile using openMP (for which I have support) for instance flirt.
It probably means just to add -lgomp -fopenmp flags on some make files, but
I do not exactly where.



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