


Tim mentioned to me that the synthetic peak lists get a very low weighting 
factor, so 0.0001 times whatever the normal factor for that dimension in 
the spectrum is (so the normal factor as set in the Experiment --> Spectra 
--> Tolerances tab).  (I don't think that the 0.0001 is customisable 
currently.)  So if one of your peaks is synthetic and you have one real 
peak then moving either will change the average very little.  I guess that 
might be the situation with your CA.  But your HA has three peaks, so I 
don't understand that not changing, unless two of the peaks are synthetic 
and only one real.


On Thu, 18 Mar 2010, Justin Lecher wrote:

> On 17/03/10 18:43, Wayne Boucher wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Each experiment has a given shift list, and the position for a given
>> resonance for that shift list is the average over all the peakDims
>> associated with that resonance, but weighted by spectrum as specified in
>> the Experiment --> Spectra dialog in the top table in the Tolerances tab
>> (the fourth/last column).  So if you pick new peaks then it will affect
>> the average only relative to the shift list of the corresponding
>> experiment.  (Tim could explain it better.)
>> Wayne
> Hi Wayne,
> I rechecked my project. So the Chsqc experiment is assigned to shiftlist
> 1 which all other experiments are also assigned to.
> So principly it shouldn't matter which peaklist, a synthetic or the
> Default one, is used for peak picking and the avarage as well as the SD
> of a resonance should change if I assign a peak and add by that new
> PeakDim to resonances. Right?
> Here it isn't. See the screenshots. I moved the Ca/Ha peak of Ala2 and
> only the SD changed very little. Also if one moves it much further, only
> SD changes and that in only small steps.
> If I do the same with a Default Peaklist it acts like you said.
> Thanks justin
> -- 
> Justin Lecher
> Institute for Neuroscience and Biophysics
> ISB 3 - Institute for structural biochemistry
> Research Centre Juelich GmbH,
> 52425 Juelich,Germany
> phone: +49 2461 61 5385