


Just hoping someone can help.
We (Leicester Medical School) used to be able to use QuestionMark(QM) with
Blackboard(Bb) and had developed many quizzes over the years. We now can’t
use QM and so have tried to replicate the QM quizzes using Bb Quiz engine.
We have found 2 problems that would be solved by being able to allocate a
mark to each response, but Bb doesn’t allow this (unlike QM)

Example 1. Tutor has Multiple Response Questions (MRQ), say there are 2
correct responses (each worth 1 mark) out of 5 given. If student selects 1
correct response but 1 incorrect response they get 0 marks as the incorrect
response cancels out the correct response. The students dislike this
intensely, as does the tutor. 
If question was presented verbally, student would get 1 mark for the correct
response and so Bb output is educationally questionable.

 So tutor needs to be able to assign 1 mark to each correct response and 0
marks to each incorrect response (these are only formative quizzes, so
selecting all responses isn’t an issue – although QM did allow us to define
how many could be selected which avoided this issue)

Example 2. Students doing the Acute Care Block are encouraged NOT to guess
answers (guessing treatments in A& E is not encouraged!) . Previously, Acute
Care Quizzes were standard MCQs with +1 mark for the correct answer and -1
for each wrong answer to deter guessing. Again, Bb quizzes don’t have this
facility – so students have nothing to lose by guessing (unlike in their
real world)

So what we want is the ability to 
1. assign a mark (positive or negative) to each question response
2. define the number of correct responses for MR Questions (ie limit how
many student can select)
Does anyone have any brilliant ways of achieving this ? Or would anyone
support us pushing for these enhancements ?

Many thanks in advance, Hazel