

Please note the following RSS Medical Section Meeting 

Title: Analysis of partially observed datasets: putting methodology into
Date and venue: 30th March 2010, RSS, 12 Errol Street, London

2.00 -   2.25 Introduction -   James Carpenter (London School of Hygiene
& Tropical Medicine)
2.25 -   2.50 Multilevel multiple imputation using the latent normal
model -   Harvey Goldstein (University of Bristol)
2.50 -   3.15 Recent advances in doubly robust estimation for missing
data -   Stijn Vansteelandt (University of Ghent)

3.15 -   3.45 Tea

3.45 -   4.10 Multiple imputation: handling interactions -   Michael
Spratt (University of Bristol)
4.10 -   4.34 Multiple imputation and inverse probability weighting:
bridging the gap -   Shaun Seaman (MRC Biostatistics
Unit, Cambridge) 
4.35 -   5.00 Doubly robust multiple imputation -   Rhian Daniel (London
School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

5.00 Close


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