

Hi Folks,


Could all stream convenors, please forward to me DIRECTLY VIA EMAIL on
[log in to unmask] a brief summary of where you are with
approval and acceptance of papers for the 5th Art of Management Conference
so the conference organisers can 


1)      Have a full picture of where the conference content stands at this
point in time  

2)      Start allocating the papers and presentations in the programme.

3)      Confirm with those who might have already changed plans as a result
of the conference cancellation and lack of notification, they have been


I have had several emails from convenors being uncertain about what to do so
I would like to resolve this as the next step as quickly as possible.


I suggest if I have a summary from each convenor as to where they are, it
will make Steve L's job much easier with the University of York when he
returns to the UK from the US this week.


Thanks for your assistance in this matter.


Kind regards,




Ralph Kerle

Executive Chairman

The Creative Leadership Forum

+61 29403 5327 m 0412 559 603

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