

On Mon, 2010-03-29 at 23:59 +0100, Michael Leuty wrote:

> The decision is looking like a no-brainer. What compelling arguments
> are there to stay with LV and (eventually) move to EMIS Web?

The move will be hideous and involve data loss and great effort.

On no account let anyone pay anything until you have approved the actual
result of the data transfer.

On no account let anyone stop the old system until you have approved the
data transfer.

(This gives the problem of an incremental update from old to new, which
is claimed to be hard or impossible.  My view is that anyone capable of
doing a really good data translation is capable of doing that.  I just
have not met them in NHS IT)

I'm using LV.

It sucks.

I suspect that SystmOne sucks in other and different ways, and I do not
want a server out of my reach.

Basically, this is an illustration of Sturgeon's Law, and the question
you pose is akin to the one about a preference for hanging or
