


They look like perimortem gnawing marks to me.


----- Original Message ---------------

Subject: [ZOOARCH] Fwd: [ZOOARCH] human skull
   From: "V. Rajkovaca" <[log in to unmask]>
   Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 11:08:34 +0000
     To: [log in to unmask]

>To all of those still interested in my skull, please have a look at the 
>photos on 
>or here
>I hope this works. 
>Thank you again.
>Dear all, 
>This human skull has been found on Bradley Fen near Peterborough (UK) in a 
>large Middle Iron Age bone 'dump' along with some 20kgs of well preserved 
>but heavily butchered animal bone, the majority of which was cattle. 
>Cambridge Archaeological Unit's osteoarchaeologist Natasha Dodwell has 
>noted an earlier trauma/ projectile wound which has healed, as well as a 
>series of fine striations localised to the one side of the suture. Both me 
>and her are interested in them, as we cannot quite work out whether these 
>represent rodent gnawing marks or whether they are human-made. Important to 
>note that there is a definite human element-polished look overlaying the 
>marks. (as well as possible residue marking the inside of the skull) Has 
>anyone ever seen anything like this, or could anyone definitely say one or 
>the other? Thank you for your help:)
>Best wishes, 
>Vida Rajkovaca 
>Faunal Remains Supervisor
>Cambridge Archaeological Unit
>34a Storey's way
>CB3 0DT
>+44 1223 327802