

Hi Jonathan,
Thank you for  your answer!
I have 1.98GB of RAM, I think this is enough, no?

I just wanted to correct that I wanted to estimate 6 series of 1024 scans, so a total of more than 6000 scans.

I tried to estimate with 2^19 and it doesn't work.
With 2^18, 2^17, the error message change a little bit :
error using==> mtimes
out of memory

I tried until 2^10 and it's always the same error message.
Do you have an other idea?
Thank you,

Hi Marine

>> I use spm5 and when I want to estimate Matlab says :
>> Error using==> unknown
>> Out of Memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
>> I tried with an other computer and it the same error message.
>> My cumputer has 40Gb free, I work with 6 series of 1024 scans.
>> Thank you,

The memory issues have to do with the amount of available RAM, rather
than the hard drive.  1024 scans total is not so bad, although if you
have small voxels it could still be a problem.  The things to check
are that you have enough RAM to start with on your computer and that
other processes aren't using it up.

You can also check the defaults.stats.maxmem value in spm_defaults.m;
2^20 is generally fine but I imagine lowering this might help, if
you're still running into difficulty.

Hope this helps,