

I included this in a care package to a friend:

I bought it here:

<>I would get him one of these:


On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 6:50 AM, Judy Prince
<[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> Hi, all photogeeks and just plain nice folks.
> One of my 6 yr old grandtwinboys turns out to be a photogeek, awesomely
> manipulating and thoroly exploiting every camera that comes into his hands.
>  His brother's more than competent, but nowhere in the same league.
> As it happens, the p-geek's lagging way behind in his reading skills
> [according to tests in his first grade class], tho he loves books and
> reading [teacher sez he loves reading but not learning how to read....? and
> his mom concurs, explaining that he doesn't "concentrate" and needs to
> "focus".  <sigh>  I've always thought those two words mean bored or uptight
> or both.
> I'll send him a book about Ansel Adams and maybe the camera work for the
> Star Wars films which he loves.
> Any suggestions, oh p-geekoes?
> happy and wanting to be helpful gramma Judy
> --
> Frisky Moll Press:
> "I can't read my library card."  ---Jeff Hecker, Norfolk, VA