Hello List
I have just taken on a maternity cover post as a manager for an OH provider. One of the customers is an NHS trust and we have the Feb/Aug nightmare of tryng to get clearance for all the new physicians.
Theer have been tears... HR, doctors, OH adminstrators...
So I am SURE that someone out there has the answer as to how to streamline the process, so that they don't file away the form"to be completed later" and then never do it , with the result that they cannot start work on the day and clinics have to be cancelled...
Or is this like the answer to weight loss... if ther really was an easy way someone would have patented it and become a millionaire by now....
PS I had thought about putting  a picture from "Doctor in the House" with Barbara Windsor and stethocope on her chest, to grab the attention. But I think it might be percieved as sexist and there are very few of us left who remember the films... 

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