City University London

The University for business and the professions



Mr Justice Eady on freedom of speech, libel law, and human rights
Wednesday 10 March 2010

Dear colleague,

The Hon. Mr Justice EadyWe would like to invite you to the launch of the new Centre for Law, Justice and Journalism, on Wednesday 10 March 2010 at 6.30pm.

To celebrate the launch of the Centre, we have invited The Hon. Mr Justice Eady to deliver its inaugural lecture. Mr Justice Eady will lecture on 'Protecting free speech in the context of the European Convention of Human Rights'.

Mr Justice Eady (pictured, right) is a High Court libel judge in England and Wales, known for having judged many high-profile cases.

Do feel free to forward details of this event to colleagues, friends and associates as you see fit.


We look forward to seeing you here next month.

Kind regards,

Professor Howard Tumber
Professor Lorna Woods
Professor Eugene McLaughlin

Centre for Law, Justice and Journalism
City University London








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