

Please help get lobbying regulation into the top five demands on Power2010:

Do you think the public should be able to see who is influencing
government policy?

Whether it’s IT companies lobbying for the introduction of ID cards;
private healthcare firms wanting a piece of the NHS; arms manufacturers
pushing for big defence contracts; or the aviation industry's influence
over government policy on airport expansion. At the moment, we have no
right to know who is lobbying whom, and about what.

We now have a chance to end secrecy in lobbying.

Power2010 is a new campaign where you get to push for political reform.
New transparency rules for lobbyists is just one idea out of a long list
of proposed reforms – the top 5 most popular ideas, as voted for by you,
will become part of a major campaign in the run up to the general
election. Which means there’s a strong chance that lobbying transparency
rules can become policy.

If you would like to see commercial lobbying opened up to greater public
scrutiny, please vote for it now:
