

Probably using the diabetic register created (against many people's better
judgement) to screen for eye problems.

I have consented to be on a register in Sheffield for eye screening as I was
diabetic when on steroids a few years ago.

In the last 6 months 3 national research studies have contacted me.

I gave an anagram of my post code to the eye screening service so I would
know where the data went. It would seem that the Universities of Oxford,
Southampton and one of the London Schools got their data from this data

We no longer have privacy


-----Original Message-----
From: GP-UK [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Jeff Green
Sent: 01 February 2010 22:36
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Confidentiality

Julian Bradley wrote:

> However if I understand correctly you can only consent on her behalf if
> there is an activated Health and Welfare LPA - see
I'll use that when they return the phone call

