

Dear Colleagues,

We invite everyone to attend the 45th Brazilian Geological Congress, to be
held in Belém, Pará, from September 26th to October 1st, 2010, at Hangar -
Convention Center and Trade of the Amazon, the largest convention center in
the Amazon and one of the largest in Brazil.

In particular, we are inviting our colleagues geoscientists to participate
in the Symposium:

SP13 – Geodinâmica e Evolução do Atlântico Sul - “ Geodynamics and
Evolution of the South Atlantic”
Chairs: Luciano Portugal Magnavita (PETROBRAS) and Sidney Luiz de Matos
Mello (UFF)
Guest speaker: Prof. Gianreto Manatschal – University of Strasbourg, France

In this symposium we hope to have geoscientists working with the
development of the South Atlantic, which has been the subject of intense
research, with recent acquisition of deep seismic reflection data that has
allowed the visualization of the deep structure of the crust and the
interface crust-mantle.

Registration for the 45th Brazilian Geological Congress of Geology and
submission of papers are open, which should be carried electronically
through the site

The deadline for paper submission is 31/03/2010.

See you there!

Best Regards,

Luciano Magnavita
Sidney Mello 
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