


In your case simply run melodic from the command line. Assuming that all single subject data has been pre-processed (smoothing/filtering/motion correction) and then transferred into a common space you simply

(i) create a ascii text file listing all the input file, e.g. 
ls ./my_study/my_subject*/fmri/data.nii.gz > all_files.txt

(ii) create your own group mask

(iii) call melodic with

melodic -i all_files.txt -o whereever_you_want_the_output -m mask -a concat [other options]


On 3 Feb 2010, at 19:09, Leon Leyba wrote:

> Hello,
> Thank you for making FSL an open-source tool. It is appreciated. 
> Is it recommended that I use "melodic" from the command line (batch) or that
> I run the GUI and then edit the feat.fsf file (adding 70 more subjects).
> Also, on the GUI, I coudn't figure out how to turn off "Registration"  (my
> images are already registered) or how to specify my own mask.
> I would like to receive values (PSC) for each session for each component for
> each subject, and their corresponding timecourses.
> I'm doing group ICA on pre- registered and normalized data. I have many
> (>70) subjects, 3 sessions, and 173 timepoints (TRs) per session. My
> experiment is event-related and I'm not assuming that the timecourse for
> each session will be the same although I am assuming the spatial maps to be
> the same and so I'm choosing "Multisession temporal concatenation".
> I will follow up the ICA with temporal regression to identify components of
> interest,  region of interest (ROI) analysis, and regression with behavioral
> parameters. 
> Thank you