


I'm having some problems with the latest Coot (0.6.1) installed via fink under Mac OS X 10.6.2. I'm working on an 0.96Å structure refined using SHELXL. If I read the PDB output from SHELX (no hydrogens) I can rebuild no problem, but if I try to work with the .res file Coot crashes with a bus error when I try to do real space refinement. I have not experienced this with previous versions, although I suspect it may be related to the known H-atom nomenclature issue. Here is the end of the terminal output:

Click on an atom in a residue for which you wish to see rotamers
(setup-rotamers 1)
(3)  CG /1/chainid="A"/76/ASP,  occ: 11 with B-factor: 36.4294 element:  C at (6.1552,-5.92159,-7.64889) : 0.0292622
 in fill_rotamer_selection_buttons altconf is ::
(setup-rotamers 0)
INFO:: backup file coot-backup/_Users_derekl_RNR_NrdI_shelx_i911-3_data_nrdi4.res_Thu_Feb_11_10:17:44_2010_modification_0.res
/sw/bin/coot: line 5: 27371 Bus error               /sw/bin/coot-real "$@"

Any suggestions?
Derek Logan                                   tel: +46 46 222 1443
Associate Professor                           fax: +46 46 222 4692
Dept. of Biochemistry and Structural Biology  mob: +46 76 8585 707
Centre for Molecular Protein Science          
Lund University, Box 124, 221 00 Lund, Sweden