

Ethan Merritt wrote:
> On Tuesday 16 February 2010, Sebastiano Pasqualato wrote:
>>>> By the way, I don't know if that's a problem of mine only, but with the new version of coot (I'm currently using Bill Scott install of Coot 0.6.1 on MacOSX 10.6.2) when I try to change chain colors with the Edit-->Bond colors-->Molecule colors I only have one of the chain of a molecule that has the color changed, the others stay of the color they were.
>>> If I understand you right, that should not be - and indeed does not happen for me. (You are in "Bonds (Colour by Molecule)" mode, right?)
>> No I'm not in Bonds (colour by molecule). In that case, all the chains of the molecule have the same colour, and the colour do change when you pull the slider.
>> What interests me is the "Bonds (Colour by Chain)" or "CAs + Ligands" representation, in which different chains in the same molecule have different colours.
>> In that case only one chain changes colour when I pull the slider, the others don't htey used too, though).
>> Don't know if it's just me.
> I see the same problem in 0.6.1 under linux.

OK, I see what you mean.   Uncheck the "Change colours for Carbons Only" 
