

Hi all,
Apologies if this may have been posted previously, I could not find any 
previous message on this. I have just deleted a resonance, by going 
through the 'M:Molecule:Atom Browser' popup, clicking on an atom in the 
chain (any chain), then clicking 'Show Resonances', then in the 
"Selected Resonances" windows I selected a resonance and deleted it. 
Then, when I click on another atom in the Atom Browser popup, the 
following message appears:

 >>> Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-tk/", line 1410, in __call__
    return self.func(*args)
line 381, in showResonances
    self.parent.viewSelectedResonances(resonances, self.shiftList)
line 1680, in viewSelectedResonances
    popup.update(resonances, shiftList)
  File "ccpnmr2.1/python/ccpnmr/analysis/popups/", 
line 1111, in update
  File "ccpnmr2.1/python/ccpnmr/analysis/popups/", 
line 486, in updateChains
  File "ccpnmr2.1/python/memops/gui/", line 393, in __getattr__
AttributeError: BrowseResonancesPopup instance has no attribute 

This error is not project dependent, since the same thing happens in 
another project. It only seems to occur when a resonance is deleted 
using this method.

Best wishes,