Dear List,

I have tried running identical code (same model, data, and initial values, with the same random seed set after the model is checked) on 4 different computers, using the same version of WinBUGS (1.4.3):

1. Windows Vista, 64 bit
2. Windows Server: Server 2003, 64 bit
3. Windows XP, 32 bit
4. Windows 7, 64 bit

The results are similar (but not identical) for computers 2-4, but computer 1 (Vista) produces quite different MCMC chains. When I run the same code multiple times on the same computer, the chains look the same. Has anyone ever encountered a similar problem? I haven't been able to find a solution in the email archives. I've tried running WinBUGS in XP compatibility mode on the Vista computer, but it made no difference.

Thank you, in advance, for any insights you might have.

Best wishes,
Sandy ------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is for discussion of modelling issues and the BUGS software. For help with crashes and error messages, first mail [log in to unmask] To mail the BUGS list, mail to [log in to unmask] Before mailing, please check the archive at Please do not mail attachments to the list. To leave the BUGS list, send LEAVE BUGS to [log in to unmask] If this fails, mail [log in to unmask], NOT the whole list