Dear All,

I hope you are all well.

Have any colleagues got any particular experience in equality proofing selection criteria for redundancy? I know there needs to be clearly agreed selection criteria for any proposed redundancies. In previous voluntary redundancy programmes, a matrix was devised to minimise inconsistencies and included the following criteria:

1) Qualifications, skills and experience
2) Range and flexibility of specialist skills
3) Operational impact of early release
4) Affordability

Kind Regards

Fehmeeda Riaz
University of Westminster
HR Manager - Equality & Diversity
HR Department, 5th Floor, Copland Building
115 New Cavendish Street
London, W1W 6UW
Tel: 020-7911-5776

The University of Westminster is a charity and a company limited by guarantee. Registration number: 977818 England. Registered Office: 309 Regent Street, London W1B 2UW.