

This list no doubt has some members who are still uncertain of what Web 2.0 
means for distance education, and may wish to engage in CPD on the topic.  If 
this is you, then it may also be a good opportujnity to reflect while at the 
same time learning online.  This is what is offered by the long established 
University of London ONLINE EDUCATION & TRAINING course.

It deals with general issues of teaching online including social networking, 
podcasting knowledge management, personal publishing, video-conferencing,  
SecondLife, and more.  There are regular practical tasks shared collaboratively 
with others with a choice of optional topics. Assessment is by a practice 
oriented essay or project.

The next start is 26th April 2010.  We suggest you register as soon as possible.

The course carries 30 UK H level credits towards either a masters or a diploma 
and can be taken by 10 weeks distance study online.  There is also a 15 credit 
5 week M level option.

The fee is  £688 which can be paid by bank transfer, credit card or 
instalments. A cheaper auditor registration is also available if you do not need 
the credits.

More information about the course is at
Enquiries to
Anita Pincas, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Education University of London
Email:    [log in to unmask]