Blwyddyn Newydd Dda.


All unrhyw un gynorthwyo gyda’r uchod os gwelwch yn dda – gweler y frawddeg gyfan


I have an adverse judicial finding against me.


A dyma esboniad –


An adverse judicial finding is a finding by a court that a police witness, whether on oath or otherwise, has knowingly misled the court. This may be stated expressly by a court, or may be inferred from the particular circumstances or a court’s proceedings. This will include civil as well as criminal hearings. If the officer / member of police staff is subject to an adverse judicial finding, the relevant Professional Standards Department (PSD) should be contacted in order that it can provide guidance on the completion of this form.



Rwyf wedi dod ar draws ‘canfyddiad barnwrol gwrthwynebus’ – ydy hwn yn ocê?


Diolch yn fawr am unrhyw syniadau.




Bet Eldred

Uwch Gyfieithydd - Senior Translator

Uned Gyfieithu - Translation Unit

Heddlu Dyfed Powys Police

101 Est/Ext 6558

Mewnol/Internal 23175

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