


I am running DARTEL on a Ubuntu 9.10 AMD 64 + Matlab R2009b environment and met with following error:
Running 'New Segment'
Done    'New Segment'
Running 'Run DARTEL (create Templates)'
Failed  'Run DARTEL (create Templates)'
Array dimensions must match for binary array op.
In file "/home/lynnrain/spm8/toolbox/DARTEL/spm_dartel_template.m" (v3172), function "spm_dartel_template" at line 101.

No executable modules, but still unresolved dependencies or incomplete module inputs.
The following modules did not run:
Failed: Run DARTEL (create Templates)
Skipped: Normalise to MNI Space
The images were 3DMPR images on a 3T Siemens scanner, sagittal scanned with Dimension 256X256X176, voxel size 1X1X1 converted by MRIcroN.

I used "Dicom import" in SPM8 to import the dicom files and still encountered such a problem

Can anyone kindly tell me where did I do wrong or any more information I am missing here?

Thank you in advance!
