

Dear SPMers,

Apologies if this is a rather basic question.

I have been analysing some straighforward finger tapping data in SPM2 (we
started in this version so sticking to it for now). I have analysed it as
event-related with temporal derivatives and added in the movement parameters
as covariates at the first level.

With the resultant con images I have used the basic t-test  to create a
group map (n=53). I have also used the con images in a simple regression
using a clinical measure of parkinsonism. All good so far.

However, I would now like to perform a basic t-test and input the clinical
measure (of which there is only one data point per person) as a covariate of
no interest. As I see it , the only way I can do this is using the AnCova,
however, because I only have one group this doesn't seem appropriate
(although I have tried and it crashes anyway!).
Does anyone know if there a method by which I can acheive this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 
With best wishes