

> I have a question for you.
> When analyzing qualitative observation data, is it better to 
> transcript data into a word document and then analyze or using the 
> original data on paper in analyzing data. I can think of advantage and 
> disadvantage of each way. Is there any citation that discuss that? 
> thanks...

A short answer:
transcription will take you a lot of time, but its advantage is that if 
you do it yourself, you will know your text very well. And if you use a 
QDA-program instead of a text processor like Word, one of these packages 
will show you that you have much better access to your data as if you 
have a pile of thousands of pages somewhere in your bureau. A hard disk 
is so much more handy than a bureau floor covered with paper all over.

You can an overview on text analysis soware including QDA-soft at


Harald Klein