

Mark Weiss wrote:
> I'm guessing that 95% of the poets quoted trained in MFA programs and 
> now teach in them. I recognized the names of only four or five, but 
> there are now something like 20,000 "licensed" poets in the US.
> Mark

Licensed or licentious?

The *original* Clarabelle the Clown on the ancient children's TV show, 
"Howdy Doody," was not Bob Keeshan, who went on to play Captain 
Kangaroo, but a gentleman (ha!) named Dayton Allen. Allen had somewhat 
indiscriminate tastes for women. One night a New York State trooper 
spotted a car pulled over on a parkway shoulder just north of New York 
City. The car was rocking back and forth. Aha! The cop turned his 
flashlight into the car and found Allen *in flagrante* 
something-or-other with a young lady who worked for the TV station. The 
cop snapped "Let me see your license!"

Allen looked up at the policeman and asked (presumably disingenuously) 
"You mean I can get a license for this?"



Ken Wolman