Hi LIst of all knowledge...
Hope someone can share their experience and knowledge. If anyone out there is looking after HART teams, and even the FIre servive I hope you can get in touch. Or anyone with any knowledge about it otherwise.
We currently care for the HART ( Hazardous Area Response TEam ) in the East Midland, Ambulance staff.
Up and running for one year now. There are other centers around England. These teams are available to deal with for example terrorist attacks, chemicals. fires. all major disasters.
The team do at times obviously need to wear breathing apparatus.
 A base line Spirometry was done... one query is should this be repeated on a routine basis ? IF so how regular?
When should tests be carried out after using the apparatus if possible exposure, and to what in particular. Has anyone got any evidence on this, or what is their bet practice ?
Does anyone record the exposures possible or confirmed, and where and how is it done? Should it be in OH notes ?
Does anyone know anything about weraing breathing apparatus if anaemic??? Should it be avoided, if so any evidence??

Another question?  The staff are going to be doing some LIVE training in a Gas Chamber, obviously controlled and wearing breathing apparatus.. should health surveillance be done after this.?
A;lso. Hearing tests, any advice if this is required?? should it follow the usual hearing guidelines from the HSE as testing ??
Look forward to hearing from you all.
Kind regards

Sarah Meacham
Team Prevent Occupational Health.

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