

Dear All


Please find below the latest collection update, which is also available

Please feel free to circulate this newsletter to any interested
Kind Regards
Steve Sharp

Steve Sharp, Knowledge Manager
NHS Evidence - ENT and audiology

Tel 07966 740913


Update Issue 25: January 2010


Welcome to the first collection update of 2010. ENT and audiology
research continues to progress relentlessly and new evidence is being
added to the collection as it emerges to keep you well informed. This
update highlights the recent additions to the site that are available at - please follow the links for further details of
each resource.
We welcome feedback on this and any other aspect of the library - please
contact us <>  with any
suggested additions or comments.


Recent Additions to the Collection

Image Resources

Visit the new image resources section of the collection
, with over 40 resources already added, including photographs, diagrams,
diagnostic images and videos of various conditions, surgical procedures
and anatomical structures. Copyright restrictions may apply for usage -
please contact source publishers directly for permissions.

This section is continually expanding and any further suggestions for
high quality, freely available image resources would be welcome.



Cochrane Systematic Reviews

Speech therapy for children with dysarthria acquired before three years
of age


Other Systematic reviews 


A systematic review of the role of immunonutrition in patients
undergoing surgery for head and neck cancer
CRD Commentary: The authors' conclusions were reasonable based on the
evidence presented, but small sample sizes and small numbers of events
mean that the analysis may have been underpowered to detect a reduction
in complications.


Acoustic measurement of overall voice quality: a meta-analysis

Specialist Collection appraisal: The review contributed to the
standardisation of voice quality measures, but with several other
limitations acknowledged in addition to inadequate reporting, some
caution is required in interpreting the conclusions.

Are intranasal corticosteroids all equally consistent in managing ocular
symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis?


Cochlear implantation under the first year of age - the outcomes. A
critical systematic review and meta-analysis


Corticosteroids in the treatment of vestibular neuritis: A systematic
review and meta-analysis


Diagnostic challenges and safety considerations in cochlear implantation
under the age of 12 months


Dysphagia treatment post stroke: a systematic review of randomised
controlled trials
CRD commentary: The authors appropriately considered the limitations of
the evidence, in particular, small sample sizes and heterogeneity of
treatments and outcomes. The authors' cautious conclusion appeared
reasonable, but it should be borne in mind that it was based on studies
with considerable differences, some of which were of low quality.


Effect on quality of life of continuous positive airway pressure in
patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a meta-analysis
CRD Commentary: The review was carried out with sufficient attempts to
minimise bias, but it was unclear how many reviewers performed the study
selection. Overall, the authors' conclusions reflect the evidence
presented and are likely to be reliable.


Intratympanic Steroids for Inner Ear Disorders: A Review


Making sense out of the tonsillectomy literature
Specialist Collection appraisal: The conclusions present valid points
about the quality of the included evidence and the need for further
research, but the inadequate methods of the review itself should be


Non-surgical correction of congenital deformities of the auricle: a
systematic review of the literature

Specialist Collection appraisal: Although the recommendation for further
research is justified, the conclusions should be interpreted with
caution given the methodological limitations.


Topical steroids in chronic rhinosinusitis without polyps: a systematic
review and meta-analysis




Auditory neuropathy: endocochlear lesion or temporal processing
impairment? Implications for diagnosis and management

Loss to follow-up in newborn hearing screening programs: a systematic
review of the evidence

Specialist Collection appraisal:  The conclusions reflect the poor
quality of included studies and the research recommendations are
appropriate. The US orientation of the review should be noted. 




Thyroid Disorders 

Pediatric thyroid fine-needle aspiration cytology: a meta-analysis
Specialist Collection appraisal: The authors' cautious conclusions and
research recommendations follow from the results, given the lack of
large studies on the topic.



Reference Resources

Cochlear implant conundrums: is it the map, the equipment, the services
or the child

Hearing aids with multichannel non-linear frequency compression -
experiences from a pediatric study

Risk of ototoxicity in the medically fragile child

Workforce Summary - Audiological Medicine: 2008 - England only

Workforce Summary - Audiology: 2008 - England only

Workforce Summary - Otolaryngology: 2008 - England only

Workforce Summary - Speech and Language Therapy: 2008 - England only



Events and Courses 





View events for further ahead