Dear Colleagues,

A request for information in support of an evidence review


We are conducting a review for the Department of Work & Pensions on the uptake and experience of services provided by the Pensions, Disability and Carers Service (PDCS) among Black and Minority Ethnic customers. 


The main benefits administered by PDCS are: Attendance Allowance; Carers Allowance; Disability Living Allowance; Pension Credit; State Pension; and Winter Fuel Payment.

Therefore, the groups of focus are the disabled and long term sick, carers, and older people.

As well as formal research, we are keen not to overlook useful documents and reports that are unpublished or not widely available, such as evaluations; needs assessments; local studies; equality impact assessments.

We would be grateful to list members if they could alert us to any papers, reports or other documents that provide relevant information on:

- levels of uptake of state benefits (or other public services); reasons for non-uptake among Black and Minority Ethnic people who are elderly, disabled and/or carers.

- (dis)satisfaction with public services; problems encountered; preferences for service provision among Black and Minority Ethnic people who are elderly, disabled and/or carers.

- initiatives aimed at addressing the public service needs of different minority ethnic groups, (particularly those intended to support the elderly, disabled and/or carers ) including evidence for the success or otherwise of these.

Please also let us know of any third sector organisations we should contact that might have relevant experience in these areas.

With thanks in advance for your assistance,

Ruth Barley

Sarah Salway

Peter Allmark


Ruth Barley

Research Associate

Sheffield Hallam University Centre for Education and Inclusion Research (CEIR), Unit 7, Science Park, Howard Street, Sheffield, S1 1WB

Tel: 0114 225 6067 Fax: 0114 225 6068

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